Fairy Tale, Chicago, 1970s
Scott FincherPhotographerA native Chicagoan, Scott was an editor for the Chicago Sun-Times and Chicago Tribune in a three-decade career. He quit newspapering to return to his passion in 2006 and since then, he has won many awards and his work is in collections all over the U.S. and abroad including Germany, Venezuela, New Zealand and Poland.
In Scott's eyes, photography adheres to Francis Bacon's maxim: "The contemplation of things as they are without error, without confusion, without substitution or imposture is in itself a nobler thing than a whole harvest of inventions." That is why Scott loves both nature and the street and quests for the image that sits on the cusp of the real and the surreal. He doesn't manipulate the images in the "digital darkroom" any more than he would were he using techniques of the old "wet" darkrooms. Website: scottfincher.com |